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My fiance and I were engaged around Christmas time. He came with my parents and I on our vacation trip to the beach, and little did I know but he had bought a ring and was going to propose. One evening he and I were walking on the beach, and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes in a heartbeat, and I realized very quickly that the easy part was over. Planning for a wedding has proven to be one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. However one thing that was not very hard for me to decide on was the theme of the wedding. My fiance had proposed to me on the beach, and if I could not take everyone to the beach, I was going to bring the beach to everyone else. I decided on a beach wedding.

Beach Wedding Invitations Beach Wedding Invitations Beach Wedding Invitations Beach Wedding Invitations

Most of the decorations were fairly easy to pick out, but one thing that I really wanted to look great were the wedding invitations. I wanted to find some beach wedding invitations, so I started looking around for them. As I looked, I began to notice that most of these shore line wedding themed things were tacky and often made to look like a joke. I am not sure why this is, but I did not want my wedding to be cheesy. I wanted to find some elegant nautical wedding invitations that would match the subtle beach design of the rest of the wedding.

Then I found a website that finally took the idea of a beach wedding seriously and had created some absolutely beautiful beach wedding invitations. They were tasteful but still very much beach themed. The invitations had a picture of the sun setting on the horizon of a beautiful, blue ocean, with a little bit of white, sandy beach on the bottom. They looked just like the night my fiancé had proposed to me. The beach wedding invitations that I picked out were perfect.